July 12, 2010

More Than Everything

The air is filled with memory...
Hope shelters distress
and is lost to control
that does not stay together

fingers ... tracing ... touching...
kisses lost to promised zephyr
stretching time to cover discouragement
(independence does not vibrate so animated now)

when disappointment fathers fear
life moves to slow motion
and every moment from the past
is adorned in costume
and plumps to a surreal dimension

I only hold the musing;
the stars that fall fom the blackest night
shattering at my feet

I break so easily

I wish for whispers
for day to be night
and my love to settle into every corner,
that my heart might know at last
the ease of doubtless air

Copyright © roxannegaebel [06 - 27 -2010]

July 11, 2010

Fish Ladder

A painting requested by my mother to give to a friend of hers for her birthday. I'm finding balancing the colours found in nature with my own internal palette to be quite trying at best. The thing is to take the picture away from the real life scene and examine it for its own elemental merit. I decided getting the water just the right colour was unecessary, as the colours that emerge as I paint are far more interesting and beautiful. This turned out with more green than expected, but the murky brown that the river looked on the day of photographing left much to be desired. 

Anyone familiar with the Port Hope area will reconize the Ganaraska River and our infamous fish ladder. I wish I had a photograph of this from the seventies. I believe their was a foot bridge that spanned the width of the river at the top of the ladder. In any case, this holds a bounty of memory and emotion. I hope Cheryl enjoys it.

Christmas 2018

These are quick paintings I completed the week before Christmas for friends and family members. I shall know next year to start earlier (whe...