August 17, 2013

Inter Lacrimas et Lactum (Amidst tears and sadness)

"I shall, if I can, defy this fate, even though there will be times when I shall be the unhappiest of God's creatures ... I will seize Fate by the throat. It will not wholly conquer me! Oh, how beautiful it is to live - and live a thousand times over ! " ~ Ludwig van Beethoven

I know something of happiness

And yet 'twas not discovered with smiles
But suffered through anguished tears

You could not be witness to the affliction

But surely I am bleeding
Upon the mischance of my darkest fears

~   *   ~

What a superficial lover is fate

She warms you with her loving embrace
Then betrays you with a twist as cruel as hate
Leaving you nothing but your hapless life to retrace

~    *    ~

I live only in and for the music

Ever and always the impassioned call of the muses
Echo through my soul, and still I am despaired

By this cursed silence outside my mind

Wandering hand in hand with the demon of envy
Causing more suffering than this malady has impaired

~    *    ~

That which drove me almost to despair

And from my friends forced me to flee
Also inspired a strong conviction to be bared
A cognition fate plainly held, when she kissed me

~    *    ~

I live

I breathe
I bleed
and always . . . I play on

Note: It must be credited to this brilliant artist for not only the inspiration furnished me to write this, but the title of the piece as well.  -- ever does he move and inspire. 


Life now moves to the rhythm of you

It dips into the flavour of my desire 
directing ripples of colour through
my black and white haze

I want to taste your music
to move inside your symphony 
where the walls cave around me
in an earthquake of ecstasy
I want to sway
to kiss the essence of your mystery
to pull it so tightly to me, all the edges
of love spill out the sides and cover me

And when I have consumed the elixir of your soul

I shall long to taste it once more ~ 

Christmas 2018

These are quick paintings I completed the week before Christmas for friends and family members. I shall know next year to start earlier (whe...